Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Speaking Life

                       Speaking Life
“Though it’s crazy, amazing, we can turn our hearts with the words we say, mountains crumble with every syllable, hope can live or die, so speak Life, speak Life through the deadest darkest night.” Every time I hear these lyrics by TobyMac I am jolted by a little burst of energy.  I had purchased his newest cd as soon as it was released. I’m not going to lie, this wasn’t the first song I listened to nor was it on my replay list. For some insane reason I skipped over it entirely, which is odd for me. I knew all the other songs on there, except for this one. It wasn’t until I read my devotionals that I actually heard it.
On my phone I have the YouVersion bible and every morning I read my devotionals from there. One of my plans is called “Eye On It” written by, you guessed it, TobyMac. That is also the name for his newest album, so sometimes he throws in a couple of his songs and tells their meaning. One of those was “Speak Life” and after I got finished reading that morning, I immediately went to listen to that song. After reading what he had to say and after listening to that song I was definitely inspired. The words on that page hit me so hard that I was just bubbling over with energy, but those same words also smacked me in the face.
He points out that as a follower of Jesus, isolation is not an option. I can’t tell you how many times that I have wanted to crawl into a hole and hang up a Do Not Disturb sign on the outside. We all have at one point. We don’t want to deal with the outside world, but those are the days when we need to show the world that all things are going to be okay. Those are the days when we need to show the world that Jesus shines bright from within us.  Also, the way we treat someone else matters. It matters a lot. If we treat the people around us with impatience then they might get the idea that they aren’t valued.  He says, “The way we treat them communicates something about what they are to God.” We are all children of God and he loves us very much. If we communicate in a negative way, then a nonbeliever would say “and these people call themselves Christians, pssssh!” We need to let them know that they are valued.  I’m not saying that as a Christian your life should and will be perfect because it won’t.  Sometimes life likes to throw hard balls our direction, but when it does, speak life.  When someone is ripping you apart and tearing you down, speak life. Show them God’s love. Show them that with God’s help you can get through anything. Show them his love and mercy.
 TobyMac also points out that being in the body of Christ in this world isn’t always about those biggest moments in life, but everyday life instead. We are the ambassadors of the kingdom of love, and we need to show that love in every little interaction that we may have. Everyone has those days when we are fired up and are on top of the world, it’s easy to speak life then. When everything is falling into place perfectly and going your way you are spreading the love and gospel like it’s going out of style. Then we have those days when we feel like we have been kicked in the face and we want nothing to do with people. Someone might call the house asking for some type of very needed advice, but we are just like “Nope, too many storm clouds in my life today. I don’t have the time to deal with anyone else.” No matter how we are feeling we need to step out and show God’s love and how important all his children are. When need to show them that even on their darkest days the light will still shine through.
            Each morning we need to put on the full Armor of God and speak life, even on those deadest, darkest, and scariest days. We need to show God’s love to all those who we come in contact with. When the devil tries to pull us down we need to say “No, no, no devil, you can’t touch this.” We need to be the servants of God that we been have called to be and show others that God is truly life. We need step off that pity train and share the gospel and the love. We need to let them know that he is with us every minute of the day. He is our comfort. He holds us up when we are weak. He will not abandon us and is walking right beside us. We need to show others that with God, all things are possible. We need to speak life.
            This song inspires me so much. It gave me a reality check that has forever changed me. Like many others, I got caught up in my troubles. I won’t let them control me anymore. I’m going to start “spreading the love like fire”. No matter how I feel that day, I refuse to let the devil win.  I want to show others how amazing God’s love truly is. I’m going to start speaking life.
             Proverbs 18:21
The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.

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